Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Gourmet cooking with Kai

...or, more fittingly, "Gourmet cooking...not! ( with Kai)" If someone (Hello! Anyone out there?) has checked out my selection of favorite blogs in the last post, he/she will have noticed that some of them deal with food and recipes, and indeed I do love to cook.

Usually, my wife and I only cook on the weekends, when, depending on the time available, we'll try something new or rework something tried and true.

Well, this week, with my wife away on family business, I've subsisted the first few days on what I cooked up last weekend (a delicious new recipe with a ground beef/vegetable/goat cheese mix on a bed of dough)... but when that ran out today, I had to whip up something

To make a long story short, I defrosted a bag of broccoli, added parmesan cheese, a can of chopped tomatoes and a cup of schmand (a German dairy product halfway between créme fraiche and sour cream on the fat scale). I also cooked up a batch of Thai rice, and grilled a chicken breast. Finally, I chopped the chicken breast* in bite-sized bits, then added everything together for a surprisingly delicious and easy meal :)

*I'd like to add that I'm constantly torn about poultry or meat in general... I hate to think of the way animals are being treated, of the mass production and all that... and I don't eat meat very often... yet I can't completely go vegetarian.

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