Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Sardinia, baby!

While I'm a little torn about the ecological implications of cheap air travel, I'll have to admit that it's great being able to hop on a plane and get yourself flown in no-frills style to some nice place at a reasonable cost.

Happily, easyJet flies from Berlin Schoenefeld to Olbia on the Italian island of Sardinia. We had booked ourselves into a cosy Bed & Breakfast place in the North of the island, and a snazzy little rental car to move around. While he had planned to keep our excursions to the Northern part of the island, it turned out we had underestimated the curviness of the roads. It was difficult to drive anywhere much faster than 40 mph or something (except on a few stretches of highway), so our action radius was somewhat curtailed. We did manage to see quite a bit of the rugged beauty and historic treasures, and it was a wonderful and relaxing 8 days.

Here's a few pictures that attempt to capture a little of what we saw:

How time flies when you're having fun

Oh my goodness, as Shirley Temple used to say so fetchingly... how time flies! Looks like I haven't blogged in month or so... thereby sorely trying the patience of my multitude of readers. ANd I hope they will accept as excuses any or all of the following:
- it was HOT here, and a sticky heat at that, so I hardly was able to function, let alone think up new blog entries;
- my birthday came and went, plunging me into midlife depression for a while;
- Andrea and I treated ourselves to a week of vacation on Sardinia, where I was blessedly away from the world wide web though not from the heat;
- upcoming exams kept me studying morning, noon, and night;
- did I mention it was HOT?

Anyway, I'll try to come up with some new stuff to share. First will be a few vacation pics.